
Dear Employers,

We know that, you are very sensitive about your employee’s work and social life balance, and do not refrain from providing any training in this area.

You want them to exercise, travel, have fun, and have time for their families. Why? Because you want them to be healthy individuals. To be healthy in mind, body and soul. Otherwise you know that their work performance will not meet the expectations. An unhappy employee will also affect his/her environment negatively. So what is the most important factor to be healthy? Obviously it’s nutrition. After all what we are, what we eat.

The food we eat, has a crucial effect on our physical, mental and even spiritual strength.  But our modern life, which is usually in a rush, created some unhealthy conditions. As an example of these, we can talk about fast foods, processed foods and lack of physical activities. Additionally, with the deterioration of the supply-demand balance against food, the changes in food production to increase the shelf life and amount, may also be counted as the cause of these unhealthy conditions. Since women became more active in business world, home cooked meals declined significantly.

We do not have an aim to change this, but we do not have to give up from our health when adopting to these new world conditions.

Please do not forget, most of your employees are mothers and fathers at the same time.

We recommend you to provide to your employees our Nutrition Detectives™ Program to help them to make healthy choices both as individuals and parents. This program can be provided for your employees, for their children or for all of them as a family.

This program will teach your employees and their families about the program’s “5 Clues” and how to use them to make healthful food choices.

With the help of this program, you and your employees can develop Nutrition Detectives™ skills. We can assure you that, you are all going to enjoy it a lot! We wish you and your employees a lifetime of good eating habits.